Who We Are

Officers and Staff

Janice S. Johnson, PresidentJanice Johnson, President of New Horizons Solutions™

Janice Johnson is the founder and President of New Horizons Solutions, Inc., a healthcare service and consulting company. Over the past twenty three years, Ms. Johnson has been actively involved in the formation of healthcare public policy and established New Horizons Solutions, Inc. in response to employers’ needs and Medicaid’s need to contain health care costs by focusing on prevention, wellness and disease management. Ms. Johnson has been actively involved in legislation affecting health, families and communities lobbying over three hundred pieces of legislation since 1986. She has served on health care public policy workgroups in Washington, D.C. and served on numerous boards and workgroups. Ms. Johnson earned a B.S. degree in Medical Technology and completed postgraduate study in Comparative Medicine. She worked nine years in the field of medical technology and served as the supervisor of the State of Illinois’ Tissue Typing lab in Chicago.


Mehari Woldekidan, CIO

Mr. Mehari Woldekidan served as a company executive in the capacity of Chief Health Plans Operating Officer for a Managed Care Company overseeing the department of MCIS, Claims, EDI, File Maintenance and PC/LAN Network management. He managed 5 departments with 2 directors, and 3 managers along with 55 employees overseeing reports of Asthma, EPSDT, Quality control, Financial Reports, and Special projects to improve services efficiency and care for TennCare members while cutting costs for the Managed Care Organization.

As a Manager of Computer Service/ Billing Operations, Mr. Woldekidan implemented and trained PMSI patient scheduling, registration, billing, EMR and collections systems as well reporting. His implementation of Encounter reconciliation process has helped capture lost revenue and improve cash flow for the Meharry Medical Group.


Our Companies

New Horizons Solutions, Inc.™, is the parent company of three entities with separate missions and functions.

New Horizons Solutions, Inc.™

  • Medicaid consultant
  • Wholesaler of Practice Management software and ASP and integrated Electronic Medical Records (visit www.VisionaryMed.com)
  • Developer of other practice management e-solutions

Health-e Solutions, Inc.

Health-e Kids, Inc.

  • Non-profit providing health screening services to underserved children and teens
  • Website: www.health-eKids.com